1. Went as far as my shins would let me go – 1.2k. 7:17, with an average pace of 6:01/km

  2. 26:30
    Beat my Day 1 time by 1:15!

  3. 27:16 day 90
    27:38 day 1
    Did better when I was doing Keto and exercising but I’m still proud of myself for showing up. ????

  4. Kayla Mcnabb says:

    So, the first time was on Treadmill. I got somewhere around 27. I ran my actually first 5k race across a bridge in my home town. It was called the bridge and dam 5k. Lots of uphill. I finished this at 31:13 .
    I got 3rd place is my age group and thought this was a perfect way to finish this challenge. I look forward to future WODS !!

    1. Hiit Mamas says:

      That is awesome Kayla!! Way to dominate!

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