Monday 01.18.21


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

3 burpee box jump-overs, 18 inch box
3 deadlifts
6 burpee box jump-overs
6 deadlifts
9 burpee box jump-overs
9 deadlifts

Compare to 01.17.20

Post reps completed to comments.



  1. 81 reps with step overs and 20#

  2. Got to the 18th round, 108 reps

    55 lb deadlift

  3. 90 + 5 extra 14” box jumps
    65# dl
    ☠️And I didn’t die…even though it felt like I almost did.

  4. Finished out 60 reps after the timer. 60# dl.

  5. Kayla McNabb says:

    114 reps
    3 sets + 1 set of the 3’s

    1. Kayla McNabb says:

      50 pound dead lift

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