
Monday 09.07.20


Tabata dumbbell hang squat clean
Rest 1 minute
Tabata toes-to-bar (raise your legs as high as you can)
Rest 1 minute
Tabata jump lunges

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals.

Post Tabata score for each exercise and total sum to comments.



  1. Db snatch 13# – 5
    T2B – lying on ground – 6
    Lunges – no jump – 5 each leg
    Total: 16

  2. 19
    35# HSC(4)
    More like K2C (5)

  3. Score: 6
    dumbbell hang squat clean 6-7–7-7-6-7-8-7
    Score: 9
    toes-to-bar On the floor 10-10-10-10-9-9-9-9
    Score: 11
    jump lunges. 14-12-13-12-13-13-11-11

    Tabata total score= 26
    + 1 mile run ?‍♀️

  4. 4 squats #20
    6 pike with exercise ball
    5 jump squats

  5. I didn’t do this workout, but I did go hiking in a Red Rock canyon and a little bit of rock climbing. For about 2 hours

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