1. Diana juarez says:


    #10 ball
    #45 SDHP
    #60 PP

  2. Stephanie Gianchetta says:


    #10 dumbbell
    #25 SDHP
    #40 PP

  3. Heather Mask says:

    21:14. Accidently did 30 leg lefts and 30 push press.
    Knees to elbowsnon ground (and even that was too hard)
    Feeling rough today needed some rests…but I did it.
    25# sdlhp
    30# pp

    1 mile on eliptical

  4. 13:45 14# ball 35# bar for SDHP & PP

  5. 15:30
    12# wallball
    High box step ups
    25# kb for sumo’s
    30# bar push press

  6. 11:20
    14” box
    30# pp
    1 mile run

  7. 13:56
    Thrusters instead of wall ball
    Step ups
    Push press 30 lbs
    Sumo high pull 16kg

  8. 12:35…. then I did it again!

    45# sumo deadlift high pulls

  9. Forgot to post friday.
    Slow mountain climbers for knees to elbows ?‍♀️
    15 inch stepups
    24 lb push press
    24 lb sumo high pull
    + 1.75 mile walk

  10. Loved this one!

    18:21. Subbed more leg lifts for kte, did 10# steps instead of box jumps, and stretched the burpees out five/set. 10# wb, 10# dumbbell pp, 25# kb.

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