1. 20 lbs kettle bell for rows
    10 lbs dumbbells for bench press
    Uphill (one way) jog
    27 mins

    Thanks HIIT mamas. ?

  2. Heather Crossley says:

    20# dumbbells

  3. Diana juarez says:


    #30 Dumbells for rows and bench presses

  4. 19:36
    20# left-arm dumbbell rows
    20# right-arm dumbbell rows
    10# dumbbell bench presses

  5. 25:34
    20# rows
    40# bench press (last few rounds had to switch to lighter weights after 10 reps)

  6. 24:27. Slower than last year by a couple of minutes; upped weights to 15# rows and 30# presses.

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