Monday 03.23.20


With constant motion and slowly:
21 single-arm dumbbell rows, each arm
9 bench dips (deep and strict)
30 squats
15 single-arm dumbbell rows, each arm
12 bench dips
30 squats
9 single-arm dumbbell rows, each arm
15 bench dips
30 squats

20 lb dumbbell for all

Compare to 03.19.19

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  1. 9:52
    10lb row (I don’t have 15’s and 20’s were too heavy)

    All my kids who didn’t break their arm on Saturday did it with me.

  2. Had a timer malfunction so idk my exact time; somewhere between 12-14 minutes. #20 lb db for rows and for squats.

  3. Done! But totally forgot to time it..

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