Friday 01.17.20


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

3 burpee box jump-overs
3 deadlifts
6 burpee box jump-overs
6 deadlifts
9 burpee box jump-overs
9 deadlifts

18-in. box, 55-85 lbs

Compare to 01.16.18

Post reps completed to comments.



  1. Diana juarez says:

    15 box jumps
    15 deadlifts

    Plus 8 box jumps

    18 inch box
    #95 deadlifts

    1. Diana juarez says:

      41 box jumps
      34 deadlifts

      1. Diana juarez says:

        Damn if I could do match lol

        53 box jumps
        45 deadlifts

        1. 12 burpees, 12 box step ups and 12 deadlifts, 25 pounds. Making my way back slowly…

  2. Stephanie Gianchetta says:

    Total 44 burpee box jump-overs
    30 deadlifts 60#

  3. We don’t have any space in our garage for the burpee jump overs, so I just jumped and switched directions after each burpee.

    52 burpees
    45 deadlifts (only 42 pounds)

  4. Newbie here… what is 18-in. box, 55-85 lbs

    1. Hiit Mamas says:

      For your box jumps, you use an 18 inch box and for your deadlifts, you use 55-85 lbs.

  5. Total 36-30 using 46# and a 14” box +
    1 mile run

  6. Completed 5 rounds–to rep round 15 of each. #60 deadlift

  7. Chrystine says:

    5 rounds + 3 burpees, 65#

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