1. Shaundalee Morgan says:

    3 mile walk

  2. 16 minutes
    1 mile after

  3. 15:35 (v ups) +
    1 mile run

  4. Stephanie Gianchetta says:

    12:03 (V-ups) – Did 30 donkey kicks mean 15 on each leg/round? I hope so, cuz that is what I did tonight.

  5. 15 min
    Hanging l-sit
    Donkey kicks 1.5 lbs each leg

  6. 11:56, half hanging v-sit on dip station half v-ups. I also hope that was 15 kicks per leg, bc thats what I did as well.

  7. 11:47 with leg lifts.

  8. Chrystine says:

    12:49, L-sits and banded donkey kicks

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