
Tuesday 11.19.19


For time:

1 round of:
100 double-unders (400 singles)
30 push presses, 45-55 lbs
6 strict pull-ups

Then, 2 rounds of:
50 double-unders (200 singles
15 push presses, 45-55 lbs
3 strict pull-us

Then, 3 rounds of:
30 double-unders (120 singles)
10 push presses, 45-55 lbs
2 strict pull-ups

Post time to comments.

Let’s see how many rounds we can make it through!?!



  1. 15:11
    #24 push press, push ups

  2. Diana juarez says:


    #55 push presses
    Neutral grip pull ups

    Completed all rounds

  3. 35:55
    #30 push press

  4. 15:55
    20#push press

  5. 15:54. She, 30# pp, jumping pullups.

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