1. 15:44
    10lb dumbbells
    Subbed singles

  2. Kept getting interrupted. 13:47 for just 1round ☹️ 10# db

  3. Chrystine says:

    Well I feel slow! But it’s completed, 23:59 (10# DB) with a 1 mile run (13:22)

  4. Just diving in again so changed it up.
    15 push press
    50 double unders
    25 step ups
    25 crunches

  5. Rebecca Scheck says:

    30# push press
    Single Jump rope
    30# step ups

  6. 22:55
    14# press
    24# step up

  7. 27:22, 10 lb dumbbells, subbed singles with an imaginary jump rope because I couldn’t find mine.
    12:40 indoor cycle

  8. Lindsey Hunt says:


    First two rounds I accidentally did thrusters! First round 20#, second 17.5# dumbbells.
    Third round I did push press with 17.5# dumbbells
    Subbed 200 singles
    20# dumbbells for step ups

  9. Total time 19:18 plus 5 mile run

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