Tuesday 06.18.19


5 attempts at each of the following:
Broad jump 50 ft. in as few jumps as possible
3 pull-ups as slow as possible
Max set of strict freestanding handstand push-ups (or with feet against the wall)

Rest as needed between attempts.

Compare to 06.18.18

Post lowest number of jumps, longest pull-up time, and reps of handstand push-ups to comments.



  1. I could measure this very well. I did 20 jumps each round. I was proud I even did 3 pull ups and I lowered down but could get back up for hspu

  2. 7 jumps to 50 feet
    11 second bicep/crunch hold on pull up bar (can’t do strict pull up)
    Practiced wall walk ups items of handstand push ups.

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