Thursday 05.30.19


On a continuously running clock, 2 minutes of each for max reps of:

18-in. box jumps

Post sum of reps and distance ran to comments.



  1. 25 burpees
    256 singles
    63 squats
    .45km run
    39 box jump

  2. Diana juarez says:

    38 burpeee
    41 DU (really struggle ??‍♀️ so did 320 singles)
    474 m run
    82 squats
    49 18inch box jumps

  3. Burpees – 23
    Singles- 165
    400meter run
    Squats – 35
    Box jumps – 24

  4. Ashley P. says:

    26 burpees
    131 single jump rope
    65 squats
    61 box jumps

  5. 16 burpees
    200 singles
    Walked .11 miles
    59 squats
    54 box step ups

  6. Burpees 18
    Singles 103
    Run .21 mile
    Squat 67
    Box jumps onto garage step 43

  7. Burpees 16
    Singles 120
    Run .18 miles
    Squats 40
    Box step ups 33

  8. Total reps 161
    25 burpees
    60 du
    300-400m run
    41 squats
    40 box jump

  9. Nicole Cook says:

    Burpee 21
    Singles 88 (had a terrible jump rope ?)
    Run .21 miles
    Squats 61
    Box jumps 44

    Then walked/jogged 2.1 miles home
    (I had my husband drop me off while he got dairy queen with the kids, I call that a win) still no sweets, soda or caffeine ✊?

    1. Nicole Cook says:

      Did it in 28.13 minutes

  10. Heather Hull says:

    15 burpees
    40 singles
    .40 miles
    65 squats
    25 box step ups

    1. Heather Hull says:

      Miles were actually .25

  11. Lindsey Hunt says:

    29 Pu burpees (US)
    19 double indeed (learning these!)
    .20 run on treadmill
    67 squats
    36 box jumps

  12. B- 29
    Skip- 100 (2 year old needed attention!)
    Run- I rowed 375m
    Squat- 60
    Box- I did weighted step ups. 52

  13. Burpees = 19
    Sjr = 130, double unders = 22 (did 10 sjr then tried double unders)
    .14 miles
    Squats = 60
    Box jumps = 33

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