
Monday 05.20.19


3 rounds for time of:

10 bench dips
15 push-ups
35 wall-ball shots, 10-14 lb ball to 10 ft target

Post time to comments.



  1. Katelyn Lacsamana says:

    I followed this blog back in 2013 when it was called something else… and got in the best shape of my adult life. Since then I just had baby #4 (almost 3 months ago) and I am ready to finally have my body back for good! So I decided to just jump in today, 7 minutes flat (push ups on my knees) and my legs feel like jello but you gotta start somewhere!

    Thanks for the great workout!

    1. Nice, I’ve been following since 2012!

    2. Diana juarez says:

      You go girl !!??

  2. Diana juarez says:


    Boss push ups
    #10 ball

  3. 5:47
    10# dumbbell – don’t have a medicine ball 🙁

  4. 6:42/ran 2 miles afterwards pushing the 4yo in the jogger. I’m beat.

  5. 7:39 with girl push ups and 20lb KB swings instead of wall balls

  6. Stephanie james says:

    Sub 20# thrusters for wall balls

  7. 12:58 20lb dumb bell thruster toss things instead of wall balls

  8. 8:34
    5 reg pu then 10 gpu each round
    Flat basketball for wall ball

  9. Amy Brown says:

    8 min 38 sec
    10 lbs ball
    Knee pushups

  10. 12:12, tired to ight. Did the wall balls in sets of 12 at 15#. Gpu.

  11. Nicole Cook says:

    Knee push ups but tried to do really good ones
    10lbs ball

    1. Nicole Cook says:

      Then ran/walked 2 miles

  12. Jessica Olsen says:

    14 lb ball

    Ran 2 miles after

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