Friday 05.17.19


4 rounds for time of:

60-second plank

30 donkey kicks

15 dumbbell shoulder presses, 10-20 lbs

15 push-ups

Compare to 05.18.18

Post time to comments.




  1. Diana juarez says:


    #20 dumbell (40 total)
    Boss push ups

    Arms on fire??

  2. Ashley P. says:

    10# dumbbells

  3. 14:25
    Great workout!!

  4. 13:34 with about 30 sec planks (however long I could hold at one time) and 20lbs

  5. 13:28
    10lb dumbells

  6. 10:52
    15# dumbells
    Knee push ups!

  7. Amy brown says:

    Jaz 15:20
    Amy 15:50

  8. 12:46.
    10# dumbbells.
    Ran a mile after.
    I feel like jelly!

  9. 22:36 15lb and strict push ups. Faster than last time so I’ll take it.

  10. 13:18
    10# dumbbells
    Knee push-ups

  11. 17:57, 30 donkey kicks each leg, 15# presses first two rounds, then switched to 10# second two. Gpu.

  12. 14:47
    Rests after first round plank
    10# dbs

  13. 13:06
    Knee pushups

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