Thursday 05.09.19


Girls Gone Bad

5 rounds for total reps of:
15 seconds of thrusters, 30-45 lbs
Rest 45 seconds
15 seconds of pull-ups, assist as needed
Rest 45 seconds
15 seconds of burpees
Rest 45 seconds

Compare to 05.10.18

Post total reps for all five rounds to comments.



  1. Diana juarez says:

    28 thrusters #45
    28 neutral grip pull ups
    28 burpees

  2. Ashley P. says:

    Thrusters 25# 47
    Pull ups assisted on rings 40
    Burpees 29

  3. 85 with 20lb thrusters and assisted pull ups

  4. Nicole Cook says:

    80 with 35lb thrusters, assisted pull ups

  5. 30 thruster 45#
    33 pull up kipping
    24 burpees

    87 total

  6. 81

    20# thrusters
    Jump up pull down
    Burpee step out to plank

  7. 39 thrusters 30lbs
    Literally can’t even do an assisted pull up so I hung for the 15 seconds
    25 burpees

  8. 102

    Band assisted pullups
    30# dumbbell thrusters

  9. Jessica Olsen says:


    35# thrusters
    Jumping pull ups
    Rowed 1600m after

  10. Stephanie james says:

    Sub GPU for Pull Up
    Full burpee

    Thruster= 32
    GPU= 62
    Burpee= 15
    Total= 109

  11. 85
    Thrusters 30# (30)
    Pull-ups band (30)
    Burpees (25)

  12. 83
    35lbs thrusters
    Assisted pull ups

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