Tuesday 03.12.19


For time:
200-ft. dumbbell overhead lunge, 20 lb dumbbell
50 dumbbell box step-ups, 20 lb dumbbells
25 handstand push-ups
50 squats

Post reps to comments.



  1. Around 12 minutes, not sure how far I went for 200ft lunges.
    Total of #30 for lunges
    Total of #30 for box steps
    Assisted hspu

    1. Diana juarez says:

      #20 dumbell overhead lunges
      #40 box step ups box
      Push up from a box

  2. Stephanie james says:

    Cut into two rounds
    HSPU on 12in box
    16# weights
    Lunges not very deep

  3. 13:21 with mostly 10lb lunges not overhead for the most part; 10lb for step ups and assisted HSPUs.

  4. 7:45
    25# lunges and step ups
    Pike push ups

  5. 10:40

    20# lunges
    40# stepups

  6. I stopped half way through to have a fiery discussion with my hubby and forgot to stop my timer. So, no idea.

    20lb OWL
    40lb 20” BSU
    HSPU with toes on the table.
    Banded squats

  7. 9:55. 20# all. Pike pushups

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