Wednesday 02.20.19
Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
100 double-unders (sub: 400 singles)
30 push-ups
10 power cleans, 45-55 lbs
Compare to 02.20.18
Post rounds completed to comments.
*In honor of Italian Army C.le Magg. Sc. Roberto Marchini, 28, of Viterbo, Italy, who died during a reconnaissance mission in Afghanistan’s Bakwa district on July 12, 2011. Marchini served in the 8th Airborne Combat Engineer Regiment, Folgore Brigade.
4 rounds
Plus 150 singles
All singles
# 65 power cleans
Exactly 4 rounds
Single jump rope
30 lb cleans
4 rounds exactly
4 rounds + 312 singles (all the rest were double unders)
Gpu last two rounds.
2 rounds
As RXed
75# cleans
Narrow stance push-ups- first 10 boss and rest knees each round.
3 rounds and 117 singles
Singles, GPU, and 48lb hang power cleans