
Tuesday 02.19.19

3 rounds for time of:

15 max weight bench presses
20 bent rows, 20 lb dumbbells
1,000-meter run

Post bench press load and time to comments.





    1. 22 lb bar
      10 lb plates X 2
      Is that what you mean by load ??

  1. Diana juarez says:


    70lbs bench presses

  2. 37:08 with 38lbs and 20lbs for the rows. I walked the 400m.

  3. Only had a max of 30lb on hand so doubled the number of bench press reps. Didn’t time myself today just using this week to ease back into a routine.

  4. 29:46. 40# chest press, had to use 17.5# dumbbells for the second two sets of rows, couldn’t quite swing the sets with 20#.

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