Friday 01.11.19

For time:
1,000-m run
50 wall-ball shots
50 box jumps
750-m run
35 wall-ball shots
35 box jumps
500-m run
25 wall-ball shots
25 box jumps

Use a 10-lb. ball and a 18-in. box.

Compare to 01.11.18

Post time to comments.


  1. Brutal way to end the week!

    Running outside.
    Dumbbell thrusters with 10#
    Step ups

  2. Stephanie james says:

    I so didnt want to do this, but soon glad I did, felt so good!!!

    Ran stairs
    Sub thrusters
    12inch step up

  3. 27:24
    Subbed squats
    12 in step ups

  4. 34:21

    Swimming for 35 minutes

  5. 27:22
    8# ball
    7in because my stairs is all I have right now.

  6. Larissa Ram says:

    8# ball
    Step ups

    12:26 mile

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