Thursday 01.10.09

7 rounds for time of:
10 handstand push-ups, scale as needed
20 butterfly sit-ups
1 minute plank

Compare to 01.10.18

Post time to comments.


  1. Diana juarez says:


    Push ups from a 3F box

  2. 26:07 ?

    Seated dumbbell presses for push ups

  3. Stephanie says:

    Knee push-ups and knee planks

  4. 25:42
    HSPU- Sub: weighted hip raises 75#
    Added toe touches to planks

  5. This one murdered me. I didn’t finish, but went until my muscles gave out.

    4 sets
    Pike press pushups
    Knee planks, resting as needed.

  6. Stephanie james says:

    Plank on knees
    And half of BSU were crunches. My core is so weak after having a baby 6 months ago ?

  7. 20:42
    Pushups were a mixture of regular 2rds, feet on 18 in box 2 rds, GPU 3 rds

  8. 15:06
    First round push ups on 18in. GPU every round after that
    30sec plank, then 30 sec on knees.

  9. Larissa Ram says:

    Modified everything

    11:17 mile

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