Monday 11.05.18

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
7 box jumps, 18-24″ box
14 kettlebell swings, 20-25 lb kettlebell

Post rounds completed to comments.



Happy Anniversary to my parents who have been married for 41 years today!


  1. Diana Juarez says:

    12 rounds

    20″ box
    10lbs kettlebell

  2. Shellie Brooks says:

    7 rounds
    20 in box
    20lb kb

  3. 7 rounds + 7 jumps
    12 in box
    25 lbs

    1. I also did a 2.2 mile run this day.

  4. Melissa Christensen says:

    7 rounds plus 7 box jumps. 12inch I think

  5. Stephanie says:

    8 rounds plus 7 box jumps
    15” box
    20 lbs

  6. 6 kb swings short of 13 rounds, 10kg kb

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