Friday 09.21.18

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following this pattern:
20 squat cleans, 40 lbs
20 squat cleans, 45 lbs
20 squat cleans, 50 lbs

Post reps completed to comments.


  1. Diana Juarez says:

    First 40 with 45 lbs (don’t have a 40 lbs )
    20 with 50 lbs
    An other 20 with 45 lbs

  2. Melorie Poteat says:

    38 … first time using a barbell for this movement … isn’t wasn’t too pretty
    1 mile on the treadmill

  3. 20 with 35 lbs and 15 at 65 lbs for a total of 35. Those were the only weights I had.

  4. 45 total.
    My lightest bar is 45 lbs, so 45, 50, 55 lbs

  5. 20 40lb
    40 50lb
    4 40lb

    64 total

  6. Is natural sugar okay? Like fruits? And honey?

  7. Did 71 reps
    Weights were 65, 75, 95, 115

  8. 60 total. 20#, then 30#, then back to 20#. You ladies are beasts, I can’t shrug that much weight!!

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