Friday 09.14.18

For time:
5 handstand push-ups, scale as needed
5 squat cleans, 45-55 lbs
10 strict boss push-ups
10 squat cleans, 45-55 lbs
20 bench dips
20 squat cleans, 45-55 lbs
40 bench press, 40-45 lbs
40 squat cleans, 45-55 lbs

Post time to comments.




  1. Diana Juarez says:


    Decline push ups
    Squat cleans 65 lbs/last 20 55lbs
    Bench press 55

  2. What are boss push-ups? A google search doesn’t reveal to me what they might be.

    1. Hiit Mamas says:

      That’s because I invented the name. ? I call “boy” push-ups or “military” push-ups boss push-ups. It is just push-ups from your toes. ??

  3. 10:23
    25lbs as I am dealing with a hip that keeps locking up!!

  4. 18:04
    modified handstand push-ups
    5 and 10 was 65 lbs for squat cleans and 20 and 40 was 35 lbs
    35 lb bench press

  5. 20:03 completed after Thursday’s WOD
    45 lbs on cleans and press.

  6. 13:01
    Pike push-ups
    50lb squat clean
    40lb bench press

  7. Mary Randall says:

    24lbs squat cleans (heaviest bar they had in the hotel gym)

  8. Shellie Brooks says:

    Knee pushups all the way thru
    45# for squat Cleans and bench press

  9. My timer stopped. It was over 16 minutes.
    45 lbs all
    Those bench presses were HARD!

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