Tuesday 09.11.18

For time:
40 Deadlifts, 60-90 lbs
40 Box jump, 18 inch box
40 Kettlebell swings, 20-25 lbs
40 Knees to elbows
43 Butterfly sit-ups
40 Push-ups
40 Thrusters, 20 lbs
40 Wall ball shots, 10 pound ball
40 Burpees
40 Double-unders (do them, even one at at time)
(one rep for every firefighter, paramedic, police officer and port authority officer killed on 9-11)
Compare to 09.11.17
Post time to comments.
*In honor of the 2,753 souls who lost their lives on 9.11.01 including: 343 firefighters and paramedics, 23 NYPD officers, 37 Port Authority officers, 2,016 World Trade Center employees, 184 souls in the Pentagon and 246 airline passengers.
We will never forget.
As Rxd except thrusters (14#), knee triceps push ups(bad shoulder), and did air squats instead of double unders because the kids moved my jump rope and I can’t find it!
95 lbs deadlifts, 20 lbs kettlebells and 25lbs thrusters, rest as indicated =)
Got through the first 10 push ups before baby insisted I nurse him 13:35
Thank you for remembering ?
55# DL
15# kb
20# thruster
10 push-up regular, 30 push-up on knees
60lbs deadlifts
30 lbs thrusters
20lbs kettlebell
65lb DL
15lb kb
35lb thrusters
15lb wall ball
120 singles. I just can’t do the double unders.
40 lb DL
15 lb KB
Knee pushups
DL- 115 lbs
KB- 25 lbs
KTE- sub TTB- toes to eye level
PU- all boss
THRUST- 20@40 lbs 20@20 lbs
WB- 10 lbs
BURP- to the floor
DL- as RXed
#76 deadlifts
#15 kettle bell swings
#10 sit ups
20 regular push ups 20 on knees
#16 thrusters
#10 wall ball
12 inch box
Knees as high as I could — more like waist high
Double unders as best I could .. never got a completed rotation
Knee push ups
24:52 but didn’t do the burpees and dus (fighting a stupid cold). 45# do, 20# thrusters, 10# wb, subbed gpu and band crunches for diastasis.
Various substitutions!! That I can’t quite remember all of them.
Modified some things but was still sweating
24:47 .
Modified wall balls since there is not a wall at gym. Did squat thrusters!
DL 75#
25# kB
Knee pushups
Didn’t have a jump rope so did 40 more box jump. Got 10 du jumps in at school today..need to finish other 30 tomorrow:)
75lb dL
Slow and steady did not win the race
20:36mins. Modified as needed!
as rx’d
except subbed 160 single jumps for 40 double unders
75# deadlift
35# KB
Jumping pullups for thrusters (injury)
1/2 mile run (jump rope stolen… wtf?)
70lb deadlift
22lb kettlebell
Knees-to-elbows on one of those forearm throne things
6.5lb ball (gym doesn’t have any heavier balls which is ridiculous)
Drove home because that’s where my jump rope was so paused the timer for a few minutes
Deadlift 135
kB 35 lbs
Thrusters 65
Everything else rx
DL 50 lbs
KB 15 lbs
Thrusters 14 – 20 lbs
Doubleunders – attempted all of them with no success at actually doing a single one. UGH!