Monday 03.26.18


4 rounds, each for time, of:
Bike 1 mile (or run)

Rest as needed between efforts.
Use a stationary bike or find a 1-mile course to repeat each round.

Compare to 11.25.15

Post times for each round to comments.

* Rest enough between rounds so that each effort can be performed at high intensity.



  1. 3:14, 3:13, 3:13, 3:23
    1 resistance on first 3 rounds, 2 on 4th

  2. 4:40, 4:50, 4:27, and 4:20 on bike

  3. Biked 9-10 resistance. Felt the burnnnnn





    Ran 3 miles afterwards.

  4. Lynzi Humphreys says:

    Don’t own a bike, so I ran
    7:00, 6:57, 6:55, 6:53
    Super stoked about today ??

  5. 7:40 run,

    6:30 Rower,

    7:55 run,

    6:53 Rower

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