Thursday 03.08.18


In front of a clock set for 12 minutes:
1 minute of 18-inch box jumps
1 minute of 25-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls
2 minutes of 18-inch box jumps
2 minutes of 25-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls
3 minutes of 18-inch box jumps
3 minutes of 25-lb. sumo deadlift high pulls 

Compare to 03.27.17

Post reps for each set to comments. 



  1. 22/26, 39/43, 54/62
    30lb sdhp, box jumps on bench

  2. 24/24 36/36 60/50
    30 lbs total on bar sdhp
    20 inch box step ups

  3. Lynzi Humphreys says:

    15/24, 29/41, 41/56
    20″ box jumps

  4. 25/16
    45# SDHP

  5. 22/15
    Forgot to count/44
    20lbs and bench step ups

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