Monday 02.12.18


Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
3 deadlifts, max weight
7 push presses, max weight

Post load and rounds completed to comments.

Compare to 12.09.13 (who has been with me for 4 years?!)



  1. I have been with you for 4 years!!!

    Really surprised by my decrease in reps from last time.
    Today 5 rounds plus 2 DL, 80# DL, 40# PP

    Ran 2.25 miles before

  2. I’ve been with you off and on for almost 4 years!
    5 rounds plus 3 dl
    100lb dl
    50lb pp
    Afterwards did more, 8 rounds total.

  3. 6 rounds with 50lb deadlifts and 30lb push press

  4. Lynzi Humphreys says:

    8 rounds
    75# DL
    55# PP
    I’ve been with you off/on four years, but my first time completing a challenge! I was yelling my reps out by the end of the 5 minutes, amazing what can be done in that time ?

  5. 20 lbs. all
    21 rounds
    (4 year club!)

  6. I’ve been here 4 years. I’ve stopped posting consistently.
    So happy you are still part of my life!
    15 rounds plus 3 dead lifts. (30lbs.)

    1. Hiit Mamas says:

      Yay!! Thanks for posting!

  7. 4 rounds
    50 lb deadlift
    45 lb push press

  8. 5 rounds
    135 lb deadlifts (new PR)
    20 lb single arm press bec I didn’t have the proper weights. Need 2 bars.

  9. 5 +3
    80# DL
    60# PP

    Thank you for posting these Wods! You’re my favorite! I’ve been following for over 4 years! I believe I found you in 2012. I keep track in an app so I never posted until recently.

  10. 5 rounds 90lb DL 60lb PP

  11. I’ve been following you since 2012, too! Love your website and all you do for us!

  12. 6 rounds plus 3 Dl
    73lb dl
    30lb p press

    4 year club??

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