Friday 02.09.18


4 rounds for time of:
20 front squats, 40-60 lbs
20 box jumps, 18 inch box

Compare to 02.09.17

Post time to comments.


  1. 15:36
    60lb squats
    Box jumps on bench

  2. 10:34 with 38lbs and bench step ups

  3. 6:30
    20 lb. squats to floor
    18” box jumps

  4. Lynzi Humphreys says:

    55# squats
    20″ jumps

  5. 17:32
    20 in box

    Then I ran a mile.

    How the hell are ppl doing this sub 10?? I thought I was going fast lol

  6. 10:02
    Then did Wednesdays WOD

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