Thursday 01.11.18


For time:
1,000-m run
50 wall-ball shots
50 box jumps
750-m run
35 wall-ball shots
35 box jumps
500-m run
25 wall-ball shots
25 box jumps

Use a 10-lb. ball and a 18-in. box.

Compare to 11.09.17

Post time to comments.


  1. 23:12
    Don’t have 18 in box….did 12 in

  2. 32:39
    Subbed 30lb thrusters for the wall balls
    Box jumps on bench
    I went into this workout thinking I couldn’t do it, but I was committed to prove myself wrong and I did!

  3. Lynzi Humphreys says:

    27:04. Used my bench for box jumps 21″. I was nervous when I saw the workout today, love pushing limits!

  4. 24:40
    Wow! That pushed me to my limit! Great and terrible feeling!

  5. 29:48 sub 30lb thrusters for wall balls.

  6. 25:16 sub 30lb Thrusters for wall balls

  7. 30:56
    14# ball
    Subbed in step-ups for my bad knee. ?

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