Tuesday 01.02.18


Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 squat snatches, 20-45 lbs
3 clean and jerks, 20-45 lbs
30 double-unders (sub: 120 singles)

Post rounds completed to comments.



  1. Lynzi Humphreys says:

    Completed 4 rounds + 5 squat snatches and 2 clean and jerks @35lbs for both lifts. Today felt good! Snatches always intimidate me, so I love I got to work on them today

  2. 5 complete rounds plus SS, C&J and 111 SJR of 6th round. Finished after timer.
    30# all

  3. There wasn’t a work out posted that I could see this morning so I did the workout from Jan 2, 2017. In 12:26 minutes

  4. I did crossfit.coms wkout since this was not posted early this morn
    100 each, pull ups[I used the machine], pushups, situps, squats. 30 minutes

  5. 3 rounds. Ran a mile.

  6. 6 rounds on the nose- 20# for all, single skips

  7. There wasn’t a workout posted when I worked out, so I did the one I missed from 12/26.

  8. 5 rounds
    20 lbs squat snatches
    45 lbs clean and jerk
    120 single unders each round

  9. 3 rounds with 45lbs
    Can’t do double – unders yet, so did 120 sub.

  10. 5 rounds. 45lbs with double unders

  11. 4 rounds, plus squat snatch and clean jerks
    45# bar for all
    As RXed

  12. Jennifer P says:

    Almost 6 complete rounds (on 93 SJR when timer sounded) but lots of modifications. Never done squat snatches before so I just did squats while I learn proper form on those. Clean and jerks with dumbbells, #20 lbs total. SJR except I accidentally grabbed a resistance band instead of my jump rope and didn’t want to wake the family sleeping in my room while searching for it, so I just jumped up and down and moved my wrists like I had a real rope in hand. LOL, it’s been a bumpy start but I’ll get there! I still got sweaty and out of breath so mission accomplished!

  13. 3 rounds as written
    20# for both
    single jumps

  14. 3 rounds completed plus 3 SS.
    20# bar. getting re-acquainted with the lifts.
    Subbed in 120 high knees per round as jump rope bothers my knees.
    Feels great to be back at ‘er. ?

  15. I completed 4 1/2 rounds. I only have a 15lb. dumbbell so used that for both snatches and clean and jerks. Definitely need to get some higher weights. I also don’t have a jumprobe so I mimicked double unders without a rope. I know it’s not the same, but it’s a start. 🙂

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