Wednesday 04.19.17

Motley Crue

For time:
15 thrusters, 30-45 lbs
21 sumo deadlift high pulls, 20-25 lbs
12 thrusters, 30-45 lbs
15 sumo deadlift high pulls, 20-25 lbs
9 thrusters, 30-45 lbs
9 sumo deadlift high pulls, 20-25 lbs

Compare to 05.03.16

Post time to comments.


  1. 8:58
    60# thrusters
    40# SDLHP

    Vs 3:50

  2. 6:24

    25# thrusters & SDLHP

  3. Only have 5# dumbbells and heavier free wts….so 10# thrusters and 10# sdhp (1st rd used 20# and it was hurting so dropped down). Focused on form

  4. Only have 5# dumbbells and heavier free wts….so 10# thrusters and 10# sdhp (1st rd used 20# and it was hurting so dropped down). Focused on form
    Ran 1 mile after for 10:05

  5. Lindsey H says:

    35# thruster
    25# sdlhp


  6. 7:57

    24# thrusters (12# dumbbells)

    20# kettle bell sumo deadlift highpulls

  7. Stephanie James says:


    20# sumo deadlift high pull

  8. 5:33
    45 lb thrusters to the floor
    25 lb SDHP

  9. 5:46
    As rx’d – 20# for all

  10. Hubby: 40 # thrusters 35 # sdh 4:52
    Me: 30# thrusters 35# sdh 4:19

  11. Mom 30# thrusters, 20# SDHP

  12. 6:05
    30 lb thrusters
    15 lb Sumos

  13. 5:52
    15# db – 30# total
    20# kb

  14. Nissa Van Riper says:


    I finally bought a barbell!

    30# thruster, 22# sdlhp

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