Thursday 12.15.16

“Dana”21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 60 lbs
Handstand push-ups (scale as needed)

Compare to 12.14.15

Post time to comments.



  1. 3:35
    HSPU on 21" barstool

    Vs 4:22 (80#) 5:50 (50#) 5:43 (35#)
    Whoo hoo!

    Followed w/
    5 rounds
    15 KBS 25#
    12 gobblet squats 25#
    200m run

  2. 4:55
    90# DL
    21 pike HSPU, 15 W/ knees on box, 9 pike

    Vs 5:01 (12/14/15)
    80# DL
    15 HSPU toes on box, rest knees on box

    Vs 5:22 (3/16/15)
    60# DL
    13 HSPU toes on box, rest on knees

  3. Then did 3 RFT
    50 walking lunges with 30#
    1 min plank
    200 SJR

    Vs 13:26
    No weight on lunges

  4. 4:19
    20 lb. DL
    handstand push-ups up against the wall, still trying to get them a little lower to the ground… my husband spotted me for a couple so I could work on it.

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