
Thursday 12.08.16

3 rounds for time of:
7 thrusters, 20-45 lbs
15 pull-ups
10 power snatches, 20-45 lbs



  1. 12:12
    50# thrusters & PC
    Unassisted pull ups (most one at a time) last 10 pull ups jumping

    Short ones always look easier than they are!

    Followed with:
    3 rounds
    20- Inclined sit ups w/ weight
    20- curls
    20- side lunges w/ weight
    10- "chicken wings" w/ 8# db

  2. 12:20
    40 lb thrusters
    Jumping pull ups
    10 20 lb single arm dumbell snatches each arm each round

  3. Did a similar WOD last week when legs were crazy sore.

    3 RFT
    7 push press, 40#
    15 straight leg dips
    10 power snatch, 40#

    Made up WOD from 12/2

  4. 5:05 (20# thrusters and snatches)

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