Monday 11.07.16

For time:
1,000-m run
50 wall-ball shots
50 box jumps
750-m run
35 wall-ball shots
35 box jumps
500-m run
25 wall-ball shots
25 box jumps

Use a 10-lb. ball and a 18-in. box.

Post time to comments.


  1. Did Friday 10/28
    12# ball
    Step ups 18"

  2. 23:09
    Treadmill (7.8, 7.8, 7.5)
    25# KB swings for wall ball
    Box jumps as rx'd


  3. 32:15
    WB to 90 degrees, 10 ft target
    Full extension box jumps

    That sucked. So many breaks. I'm shaking and want to throw up. This is what happens when you miss days.

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