Tuesday 10.18.16
Following the pattern of 2-4-6-8, etc. reps, complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Deadlifts, 40-60 lbs
Handstand push-ups (scale as needed)
Rest 3 minutes
Then, following the pattern of 2-4-6-8, etc. reps, complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Power cleans, 20-30 lbs
One-legged squats
Compare to 10.07.15
Post reps completed for each couplet to comments.
Will do this one later when my arms aren't toast! (Feeling those 90 power cleans from yesterday!)
50 walking lunges (40#)
100 bsu (inclined, 16#)
100 hip raises (25#)
50 walking lunges (40#)
*broke bsu/hip raises into 2 sets of 50
13:40 vs 12:14 (no weight on bsu/ 20# hr)
Finished round 18 just after the timer on the 50 lb dead lifts and push ups with feet on a box
Finished round 14 after the timer of 30 lb cleans and one leg squats (all squats after the timer)
Only did first round
18 reps
20 lb. deadlifts
Handstand push-ups against the wall.
Ran 4 miles while van was getting new tires then:
Finished round of 14
80# DL
Pike hspu
8 cleans of round 16
30# cleans
Pistols down to bench
Wow. Who runs before a WOD? That was exhausting!!!
Finished round 14 + 10 DL
85# DL
21" barstool
Finished through 12 + 3 PC
OLS down to weight bench
Arms still sore!
First round 12
Second round 10
40# clean
Not very deep squats
Second WOD of the day
First round thru 18
Only a 12 lb DL
GPU instead of HSPU
Second Round thru 16 + 8 reps of SDHP
SDHP with 12 lb for power cleans
12 lb weighted squats for pistols
Completed 10/26/2016
Subbed Push-ups for HSPU
Then, 8RDS+8REPS
Banded Pistols