
Monday 10.17.16


3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
30 Dumbbell squat clean, 10-15 lb dumbbells
30 burpees

Compare to 10.06.15

Post time to comments.



  1. 30:12
    Full burpee

    Realized I did power cleans instead of squat cleans

  2. Another tough Monday WOD- but worth it! Go get your Monday!

  3. 32:17
    Ouch! (Coincidently, that was the same comment as last time we did this wod!)

  4. Just as freakin' awful as last year. 30:23 as rx'd.
    Treadmill (2 x 7.4, 1 x 7.1)
    30# SC, butt to floor

    About 10 seconds slower than last year even though I ran faster (last year was 1 x 7.1, 2 x 6.8). All year long running faster has made my time slower. ?

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