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Monday 09.19.16

3 rounds for time of:
21 Dumbbell snatches, right arm, 20 lbs
21 second L hang (from pull-up bar)
21 Dumbbell snatches, left arm, 20 lbs
21 second L hang (from pull-up bar)

Post time to comments.


  1. 11:01 as rx'd
    the skin along the base of my fingers is raw and I felt like I was taking it off!
    L sit was tougher than I thought!!

    Followed w/
    AMRAP 10
    10 ground to overhead (25#)
    10 overhead reverse lunges (25#)

    I got 4 rounds

  2. 11:28 man, that was hard. And fun.
    Alternated 15# and 5# when I felt I was maxing out on the 15s. L hangs looked more like floppy hangs…gonna hafta work on those 🙂

  3. 13:38
    15# snatch
    Not really an L more of a bent I lol that was harder than I thought it would be!

  4. 8:16
    15# dumbbell (I need to ask for 20#s for Christmas!)
    An L sit was freaking hard. End up bending at the knees.

    1. Then did:
      150 squats (butt to ground)
      75 hip raises
      120 squats (b2g)
      60 hip raises
      90 squats (b2g)
      45 hip raises

      Vs 21:25 on 12/23/15

      Jello quads. You watch – I bet we run tomorrow!!

  5. 8:22
    10 lb. dumbbell
    Couldn't get my legs straight! Tried my hardest! So I just tried to keep my knees at a 90 degree angle.

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