Wednesday 06.08.16

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlifts, 60 lbs
Pull-ups (assist as needed)

Compare to 06.10.15
Post time to comments.


  1. 7:12
    7 unassisted/ remaining jump pull ups

    Followed with:
    4 rounds (untimed)
    25 curls
    25 dips
    25 inclined sit ups
    25 rows (alternate arms)
    25 KTE (floor)
    25 KB plank pull throughs

  2. Taught 1 hour cardio dance/kickboxing then:

    80# DL
    Self assisted pull ups

    Vs 4:18
    70# DL
    Reverse pull ups

    Shoulders were really sore from yesterday. The (snatch) wide grip on a bar is way different than hand weights.

  3. I didn't clock the time! Boo. 40lb deadlift and assisted pull ups using the bench. Felt great

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