Monday 05.23.16
1 minute of hang squat cleans, 20-45 lbs
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of toes-to-bars (hang and raise straight legs as high as possible)
2 minutes of hang squat cleans, 20-45 lbs
2 minutes of burpees
2 minute of toes-to-bars
1 minute of hang squat cleans, 20-45 lbs
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of toes-to-bars
Post total reps completed to comments.
173 total tor all
Used 55 lbs and used over door bar for 1 min toes to bar then switched to higher bar for remaining rounds
187 all
HSC- 45# 59 reps
Burpees- 62 reps
KTE (bar) 66 reps (I tried toes to bar, felt it on my lower back so I switched)
Good one!
Total = 156
HSC (40#) = 55
Burpees = 47
Toes to parallel, forearms on dip station = 54
Definitely room for improvement.
128 total reps
HSC (45 lb bar)= 40
Burpees= 39
T2B (straight legs to 90ish)= 49