
Tuesday 05.17.16

3 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
40 butterfly sit-ups
7 deadlifts, 60-80 lbs

Post time to comments.


  1. 11:48
    Treadmill left running at 8.6
    80# DL

    Dang it, Julie! Do you always have to beat me? 😉

    1. Not always- there are plenty of days you beat me!! makes for great motivation ?

  2. Forgot to start timer until after first sit ups. Probably between 15 & 16 min.

    Bfsu arms crossed first 2 rnds.
    40# DL is the most weight I have.

  3. 11:28
    20 lbs.
    (Saw the girls doing this WOD during the crossfit regionals except with 250 lb. deadlifts! They are incredible!)

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