Wednesday 05.04.15

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Double-unders (single X4)
Butterfly sit-ups
Deadlifts, 60-80 lbs

Post time to comments.


  1. Did this last week:
    DU one at a time

    Made up Monday's WOD

  2. 13:40
    Double unders one at a time. One day I'll be brave enough to attempt 2 back to back. Today was not that day.

  3. 15:10
    DL bar (40#)
    Attempts at DU for most rounds (have never made a single one), singles the rest

  4. 15:10
    DL bar (40#)
    Attempts at DU for most rounds (have never made a single one), singles the rest

  5. 15:10
    DL bar (40#)
    Attempts at DU for most rounds (have never made a single one), singles the rest

  6. 11:25
    Single jumps (attempted doubles on my last set and still just as terrible as I thought!)
    20 lbs.

  7. 12:18
    As RXed with DUs
    45 lb DL
    Need to go heavier.

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