Monday 05.02.16


4 rounds for time of:
27 Box jumps, 18″ box
20 Burpees
11 Squat cleans, 20-40 lbs

Compare to 05.01.15

Happy Birthday to my sweet daughter
who turned 8 yesterday! 


  1. Is anyone else struggling to get these to load in the mornings? I couldn't get it to load until 11a. I just dug back and found last year's workout but was curious if there was something I could fix?

    1. It isn't you. It was me. I normally post the week's WODs on Sunday night but last night I had a massive migraine and fell asleep at 8:00pm. I didn't post today's wod until 8:00am pacific time. I'm sorry. There were other days last week that the wod was posted late. It is my busy life. I am working on it. Sorry!

  2. 16:33 as rx'd
    30# SC

    Vs 16:36 w/ 18" step ups

    I stink at these ones where there's no time to catch your breath.

    1. My braid totally fell apart during round 2 so I did pause the timer to run up two flights of stairs for a headband.

  3. 24:58.
    Thanks Jenni for posting these wods with your busy life!

  4. Yes! Thank you so much for posting them! I wasn't trying to complain in anyway, I thought it might just be my browser or something. I figured it out by just looking back to what last year's WOD was and had a great work out! Again, thank you! I am blessed!

    1. I know you weren't complaining! No problem. 🙂

  5. 14:17
    Step ups
    45# (Power cleans….I did squat cleans yesterday and squats on Monday!)

    Good one!

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