Tuesday 04.26.16

Four 4-minute rounds of:
15 wall ball shots, 10-lb. ball to 10-foot target
30 medicine ball cleans, 10-lb. ball
Run 400 meters 

Rest 3 minutes between rounds. 

Post rounds competed each 4 minute round to comments.


  1. 12# ball
    Subbed 20# KB snatch (15 each arm) for med ball cleans.
    *Watched demo video for ball cleans- it seems pretty precise and I need to practice that.
    Ran for max distance each round.

    Ran for 1300 meters total after all rounds

  2. 4 rounds 15 wall ball
    30 squats
    400m run
    (agree — i watched video of ball cleans and def have to work on the form for those. I don't think I've ever done one)

    30 min elliptical before.

  3. 4 rounds
    15 thrusters, 30#
    30 dumbbell cleans, 30#
    Run for max distance (8.6 x 2, 8.4 x 2)

    .3 mile (482m)
    .26 mile (418m)
    .29 mile (466m)
    .27 mile (434m)

    #neededthosebreaks #suckingwind

  4. 4 rounds 15 thrusters 10#
    30 squats
    Ran rest of time to = 1.125 total miles
    Arms are sore from yesterday!

  5. 4 rounds
    No rests
    Basketball (don't have a medicine ball yet)

  6. 1 round each 4 minutes.
    8# med ball
    It was kind of fun trying to master the cleans.
    Can't run…did 25 bfsu instead.

  7. 1 round each 4 minutes.
    8# med ball
    It was kind of fun trying to master the cleans.
    Can't run…did 25 bfsu instead.

  8. It took me about 4 minutes to finish each round.
    14 lb med. ball for wall ball and cleans
    As RXed.

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