Monday 03.21.16


Hero WOD 

5 rounds for time of:
35 kettlebell swings, 20 lbs
30 push-ups
25 pull-ups (assist as needed)
20 box jumps, 18-inch box
1-mile run

Compare to 03.20.15

Post time to comments.



  1. Woke up late ?
    One full round of all but the running
    Next 4 rounds had to cut all in 1/2 (no running)

  2. Ummm, you promised us last year that we wouldn't see this wod ever again! Liar.

    1. Ha ha! I saw that too and was going to say the same thing!

    2. Oh no!! Sorry Mamas! I had to prepost a full week while we were gone at the Grand Canyon and I never noticed that promise in the comments. I forgot how sucky this WOD was. I will take this one out of the running so I don't accidentally repost it next year! ?

  3. 44:40
    Runs on rounds 1 & 5
    On spring break and had to cut short to get kids to ortho appt

  4. 25:12
    Ran 4 mikes before I looked at workout. So took out running.
    20# kettle bell
    Chair assisted pull ups
    Box jump

  5. I did this wod last year and it took me over an hour to do. I didn't have enough time to do the whole thing at once, so I split it up.

    Ran 5 miles- 43:58

    Took my kids to school and than finished the workout.

    26# kb
    Jumping pull-ups
    2 rounds step-ups 3 rounds box jumps
    I added 100 sjr to each round

    I also thought we wouldn't have to do this workout again.?

  6. 1:12:02
    15# KB
    Push ups on knees
    Self assisted pull ups
    Box jumps
    Treadmill (7.0, 7.0, 6.7, 6.3/6.2, 6.2)

    Vs 1:16:23
    Chair asst pull ups
    Step ups
    Treadmill (6.7, 6.7, 6.2, 6.0, 6.0)


    1. Hurt myself this year and looks like last year too on this one. Note to self – be careful next time!!

  7. I only did 3 rounds….34 minutes

  8. Ran 5 miles in 44:18
    Then 3 rounds-runs 15 minutes

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