Friday 03.11.16


5 rounds for time of:
6 deadlifts, 60-80 lbs.
6 burpees
5 cleans, 20 lbs.
5 pull-ups, assist as needed
6 thrusters, 20 lbs.
6 butterfly sit-upsĀ 

Post time to comments.


  1. Did this yesterday
    80# DL
    45# Cleans
    Unassisted pull ups
    45# thrusters (4 reps)
    HSPU- assisted (4 reps)

    * Moved up in weight w/ cleans and thrusters since it was lower reps- I failed on a couple of reps at the end, but rested a few & got it done! I love the feeling of strength and accomplishment.

    Today, I just did 3 rounds of 800m and 30 inclined sit ups. I didn't time myself because my phone never charged over night. It was around 15-16 minutes.

  2. 10:19
    40# deadlift
    20# clean
    Chair assisted pull ups
    20# thrusters

  3. Legs are ready to give out after wods this week so had to sub push press for thrusters

    80# DL
    30# cleans and pp
    Self assisted pull ups

  4. 10:21 50# on all but last 3 rnds thrusters, 30#

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