Friday 02.12.16

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
10 burped pull-ups
30 squats
30 seconds of handstand hold

This is a static handstand hold, not a walk. Only count time while the hands are stationary. If needed, use a wall.

Post rounds completed to comments.



  1. 7 rounds in 20:38
    Handstand holds- one knee on barstool, one leg up against wall. Need to practice this more 🙂

  2. 6: after the 1set I separated the pull-ups and burped so I could use pull-up assist

  3. 5 rounds plus burpee pull ups and 4 squats
    Burpee self assisted pull ups

    My legs were totally gone. This was WOD #7 for the week and I couldn't make my quads work!

    Liked this one, though. Would like to try again when my body's not burned out.

  4. 5rds. But to floor squats assisted handstand

  5. 5rds. But to floor squats assisted handstand

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