
Wednesday 01.13.16

3 rounds for time of:
50 walking-lunge steps
1 minute plank
50 double-unders

Compare to 01.14.15

Post time to comments.



  1. 16:31
    20# walking lunges
    25 DU/50 single per round (DU 1 at a time)

  2. 17:51. Subbed 75 single jump ropes.
    Two years ago I attempted with earnestness and optimism to learn double unders. I followed the tutorials. I worked at it for weeks. I think I did 1 actual double under in all those tries.

    Round 1 approx 3:45
    Round 2 approx 7:00
    Round 3 approx 7:00

    1. The keys to successful double unders: a speed rope adjusted to the right length ($13 on Amazon), high knees, fast arms. Don't give up!

  3. 14:30
    20# walking lunges
    50 jump and tucks for DU

    Vs 13:26
    With reg lunges and 200 SJR

  4. 18:36
    All DU, some tripping and an extra jump between each but I did them all!!!

    1. Good job! I still whip myself in the butt all the time!

    1. If you are going to sub singles, you need to mulitiply double unders by 4.

  5. 10:44
    Carrying my 27 pound 2-year-old for the first and last sets of lunges. He was also climbing all over me for the first plank.
    100 single jump ropes (so frustrated with double unders)
    (Compare to 14:45 last year with only 50 single jumps ropes.)

  6. 14:04 no jr, subbed jumping jack and high knee jump per du

  7. 14:04 no jr, subbed jumping jack and high knee jump per du

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