Friday 01.08.16

Large Marge

50 reps for time of:
Burpee/Push-up/Jumping-Jack/Butterfly Sit-up

*Do 1 burpee, then 1 push-up, then 1 jumping jack, then 1 sit-up, then repeat 50 times.

Compare toΒ 01.08.15

Post time to comments.


  1. 15:07 as rx'd
    Arms crossed on bsu
    47 sec slower….I didn't take any breaks but still pretty sore from the week.

    Great first full week of the new year! Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow πŸ™‚

  2. 13:16
    Full burpee to jump up then back down for boy push-up

  3. 15:57
    Pu on knees to floor

    Vs 14:31 with pu and JJ switched. It was less confusing order but easier.

    My triceps are still crying from Wed. Glad for a weekend.

  4. 11:54 half bpu half gpu. Man that was hard to count.

  5. I did 15 rounds in 3:41
    Then I started to feel sort of ridiculous, the movements don't exactly flow. I can see why people combined reps last year. Good cardio though!

    1. The reason they are arranged that way is for the repeated up and down which is more exercise than when you combine the exercises in a different order.

  6. 15:54. 10 seconds faster than last year, which is nice BC my exercise over the last few months has been less than I'd like due to injury.

  7. 15:54. 10 seconds faster than last year, which is nice BC my exercise over the last few months has been less than I'd like due to injury.

  8. Subbed jj for dead hang pu
    Plus was interrupted for a couple minutes

  9. 16:55 Compared with 14:47 πŸ™
    More relaxed training over summer holidays showing ?

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