Thursday 01.07.16

For time:

Run 1,000 meters

Then, 5 rounds of:
20 back extensions (supermans or body surfers)
20 butterfly sit-ups

Then, run 1,000 meters

Post time to comments.


  1. 20:28
    Every muscle is sore. I had to hold onto the handicap rail in the bathroom yesterday just to sit!

  2. 6:36
    Only ab workout. Have jury duty and didn't get up I time to go outside and run

  3. 17:15
    Treadmill (7.7, 7.5)

    I hear ya, Julie!! I played Twister last night and everyone was laughing at how badly my arms were shaking.

  4. 18:55 with substitutes
    20 stairs and 250 JR for each 1000m instead of running

  5. Correction 10 stairs and 250 JR for each 1000m
    Also had to do crunches instead of full sit ups

  6. 16:21 have my break days on Thursday and Friday so I am behind.

  7. 16:21 have my break days on Thursday and Friday so I am behind.

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