Friday 12.18.15
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Power cleans, 20 lbs
Pull-ups, assist as needed
Front squats, 40-60 lbs
Butterfly sit-ups
Post time to comments.
*In honor of 30 year old U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Michael H. Simpson, of San Antonio, Texas, who died May 1, 2013, in Landstuhl, Germany, from injuries caused by an improvised-explosive device on April 27, 2013, in Arian, Afghanistan.
50# cleans & squats
Arms crossed on bsu
Legs were shaking on every squat! I knew my legs would be feeling yesterday's WOD!
Happy Friday 🙂
You inspire me, Julie! 😉
Jumping pull ups
40 lb squats
20 lbs. all
Tiny hop for pull-ups, really slow on the way down.
Had to get toys for the toddler once.
11:06, 15 lb dumbbell for cleans, 30 lb for squats, subbed crunches for all but the last 9 sit ups. Great week! Happy Friday everyone!
9:17 20# push press for cleans
40# squats
3.5 mile run before
My legs cried when I saw more squats today.
30# all
Self assisted pull ups
20# power clean, reverse pull up, 30# squat
54# pc &squats
Jumping pull-ups
65 lb cleans and front squats
Black band on pull-ups
53lb cleans and squats
Great workout!